Integrate your Talent Management Software

Talent management software enables the automation of talent acquisition, development and retention processes. Use talent management software to streamline and manage various HR tasks such as posting job openings, tracking job candidates, onboarding new hires, and managing employee performance. Start identifying and developing top performers or address potential talent gaps with your talent management software. Reduce the time spend on HR administration and more time on improving candidate experience and developing a strong talent pipeline.


Talent Management Software

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Tools to increase the productivity of your talent with PeopleSpheres.

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Discover all the tools connected to PeopleSpheres

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Maximize your Workforce Potential

Find talent by comparing qualifications and skills, identifying skill gaps and by implementing development plans right from your PeopleSpheres platform. Develop a talent pipeline, create a positioning matrix using various performance and potential criteria, enabling you to make more strategic hiring decisions.

Workforce Potential

A Process-Oriented Approach to Talent Management

PeopleSpheres workflows allow you bring all the actions and data points from your talent management and HR systems into a single platform. You can now seamlessly manage development plans and talent pipelines to target the abilities, skills and critical functions for specific missions or projects. Streamline the process by automating certain tasks such as scheduling interviews, assigning training programs, and gathering employee feedback.

Manage talent pool - abilities and skills

Integrate Your Most-Trusted Talent Management Tools

If you’ve already invested in the best talent management software for your organization, simply integrate it to PeopleSpheres for more efficient HR management. Stimulate, value and retain employees by providing them with planning and career management tools without leaving the PeopleSpheres platform. Centralize your HR operations without giving up your favorite talent management tools.

Talent Management Tools

Your Talent Management Data in One Place

Get data regarding experience, expertise, performance and professional goals of your employees all in one place with PeopleSpheres. Solve workforce planning issues and manage development and succession plans. Learn how to identify and develop talent. Identify potential qualification gaps to prepare employees to meet current and future needs. Identify the best employees, reward them and give them the means to advance in their careers.

Talent Management Data

Secure your Company’s Future with Succession Planning

Promote strategic succession by planning career paths before staffing deficits can occur. Create multiple succession scenarios for every position and train future leaders. Resolve staff planning issues with succession plans. Help employees play a more active role in their career progression, develop their skills and build a professional project in accordance with company needs. Improve company consistency by developing professional projects in accordance with company needs and future goals.

Upgrade HR management - career evolution

Talent Management Software Buyer's Guide

What is talent management software?

Talent management software is a comprehensive set of tools that organizations utilize to manage, develop, and retain their employees. These systems aim to streamline all aspects of an employee’s life cycle – from the recruitment and onboarding phase, through to performance management, learning and development, succession planning, and retention. 

At its core, talent management software enables businesses to tap into and maximize their human capital potential, fostering a motivated, competent, and well-nurtured workforce. 

The benefits of talent management software

Streamlined Recruitment and Onboarding

Talent management software significantly streamlines the recruitment and onboarding process. By automating tasks such as resume screening and interview scheduling, it eliminates manual work, reduces hiring time, and enhances efficiency.

Additionally, it ensures a smooth onboarding experience with checklists, tutorials, and goal-setting features, thus setting new-hires up for success from day one. You can explore the full potential of your workforce with insights on recruiting, retaining, and effectively implementing talent management solutions.

Employee Development and Succession Planning

Talent management software plays a crucial role in nurturing an organization’s human capital management. It provides a structured platform for performance reviews, feedback, and personalized learning and development plans.

Moreover, it facilitates succession workforce planning by identifying and attracting top talent, tracking their progress, and preparing them for future leadership roles, ensuring continuity and reducing the risks associated with turnover.

Enhanced Employee Engagement and Retention

With features like goal tracking, feedback tools, and recognition systems, talent management software fosters a culture of engagement and recognition.

It allows for regular check-ins and transparent communication between managers and employees, leading to increased job satisfaction. This heightened engagement, in turn, enhances employee retention, as employees are more likely to stay where they feel valued, understood, and part of the company’s growth.

Key components of a talent management software

Recruitment and Applicant Tracking

Recruitment and applicant tracking are fundamental components of talent management software. This feature automates the posting of job vacancies across various platforms, screens incoming resumes, tracks applicants throughout the hiring process, and schedules interviews.

It significantly reduces the time-to-hire and ensures that the top talent are selected for the job.

Learning and Development

Talent management software also includes robust learning and development modules. These tools help organizations identify competency gaps within their teams, create personalized learning plans, and offer a range of training materials to help employees enhance their skills. This leads to a more competent, versatile, and productive workforce.

Performance Management

Performance management features allow for ongoing feedback and assessment of employee performance and competencies.

They facilitate setting and tracking of individual and team goals, performance reviews, and 360-degree feedback. This continuous evaluation and feedback loop helps improve individual performance and align it with the organization’s objectives.

Succession Planning and Career Development

Lastly, talent management software includes succession planning and career development modules. These tools identify high-potential employees, monitor their progress, and prepare them for future leadership roles.

By developing a pipeline of future leaders, organizations can ensure continuity, reduce the risk associated with sudden departures, and motivate employees by showing a clear career progression path.

How much does a talent management system cost?

Pricing Models 

Talent management software typically follows two primary pricing models: subscription-based and perpetual license.  

  1. Subscription-based: This is the most common model, where organizations pay a recurring fee, usually monthly or annually, for using the software. The fee often depends on the number of users and the scale of features accessible.  
  1. Perpetual license: In this model, organizations pay a one-time fee to own the software and use it indefinitely. While this may cost more upfront, it can be cost-effective in the long run. 

Cost Factors 

Several factors can influence the cost of a talent management system: 

  1. Number of Users: Most vendors charge based on the number of people who will be using the system. The larger the workforce, the higher the cost. 
  1. Customization: Tailoring the software to meet specific organizational needs can incur additional costs.  
  1. Integration: The cost might rise if the software needs to integrate with other existing systems within the organization. 

Remember, when selecting talent management software, don’t just consider the price. It’s critical to assess what you’re getting for your investment, and whether or not it meets your organization’s specific needs in terms of functionality, usability, and future scalability. 

How to choose the best talent management software

Assessing Your Organization’s Needs

When selecting the best talent management software, the first step is to clearly define your organization’s specific needs. Consider the size of your workforce, the complexity of your HR processes, and the strategic goals you aim to achieve through the software.

Do you need a comprehensive system that covers all aspects of talent management, or are you only looking for specific functionalities like recruitment, talent acquisition or performance management? Do you require a highly customizable system or a standard one with best-practice templates? Understanding these needs will help you narrow down your options and select a system that is well-suited to your organization.

Integration with Other HR Tools

The integration capabilities of the talent management software are another critical factor to consider. Your new system should ideally be able to seamlessly integrate with your existing HR tools such as payroll, benefits, and time and attendance systems. This will not only streamline your HR processes but also ensure data consistency and accuracy across all platforms.

With a platform like PeopleSpheres, you are guaranteed the software’s compatibility with your existing tools, and its ability to support integrations with any future HR tools you may adopt.

Ease of Implementation

Lastly, consider the ease of implementation of the talent management software. This involves assessing the vendor’s track record of successful implementations, the availability of talent management implementation support and resources, and the overall user-friendliness of the system. Opting for a system that is easy to implement and use will accelerate your ROI and user adoption rates.

PeopleSpheres provides a seamless implementation process, ensuring a smooth transition for your organization. With a dedicated team of implementation specialists, PeopleSpheres supports you every step of the way, from initial setup to system configuration and user training. The platform is designed for simplicity and ease-of-use, allowing for a quick adoption among your staff. By prioritizing a smooth implementation process, PeopleSpheres helps your organization maximize the benefits of your chosen talent management software promptly and efficiently.

Emerging trends in talent management software

AI-Driven Talent Analytics

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is making significant strides in the field of talent management. AI-driven talent analytics are now at the forefront of this revolution, providing real-time insights that enable proactive and informed decision-making.

These analytics tools leverage machine learning algorithms to predict trends, identify potential issues, and suggest effective solutions, all based on data. This allows HR professionals to make strategic decisions backed by precise data analysis rather than relying on intuition. For instance, predictive analytics can help identify employees at risk of attrition before they resign, thereby enabling preemptive interventions.

Remote Workforce Management

The surge in remote work, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has brought remote workforce management to the fore. Talent management software is evolving to meet these new demands by offering functionalities that support virtual collaboration, remote onboarding and training, and digital performance management.

It allows managers to track performance, set goals, and give feedback virtually, thereby fostering a culture of transparency and regular communication despite the physical distance. This ensures the workforce remains engaged, productive, and aligned with the organization’s objectives, regardless of their location.

Employee Experience (EX) Enhancement

Enhancing employee experience (EX) is another major trend shaping the landscape of talent management software.

Recognizing that a positive employee experience contributes to higher engagement levels, improved productivity, and better retention rates, many talent management systems are incorporating features designed to improve EX and quality of work life. This includes user-friendly interfaces, personalized learning and development paths, and social recognition tools.

By focusing on the employee’s journey, from onboarding to development and growth, these systems help to foster a positive work culture where employees feel valued and engaged.

Why choose a talent management tool through PopleSpheres?

PeopleSpheres is a leading provider in the talent management software market, designed to address and adapt to the changing landscape of human resources. Automate your HR processes with the latest HR software to streamline and enhance efficiency in your human resources management. Recognizing the need for personalization, our platform offers a wide range of solutions to match your organization’s unique needs. Whether it’s simplifying the recruitment process, enhancing learning and development programs, or improving performance management, PeopleSpheres has the flexibility to align with your strategic objectives. 

Our platform is designed to integrate seamlessly with other HR tools, simplifying data management across all your systems. 

In terms of future HR trends, PeopleSpheres is at the forefront of innovation. Our platform supports the use of AI-driven talent analytics and has the ability to provide real-time insights for proactive decision-making in talent development. 

By choosing your talent management software through PeopleSpheres, you are choosing a partner dedicated to providing the essential features, meeting your specific buying criteria, and adapting to future HR trends, ensuring a long-term, valuable investment in your human capital. 


Also known as an applicant tracking system, recruiting software is often an integral part of a talent management software. It can be used to post job openings on your career site, receive and review job applications, schedule and conduct interviews and onboard new hires. Onboarding is easier because all the data from your recruiting process is transferred over to the next step with a click of a button.

Training and Development

Talent management solutions such as this allows HR departments to facilitate training and professional development. Use software to create and manage training programs and development plans to upskill your workforce and track individuals’ progress towards their development goals. This type of software can include learning management systems (LMS), course authoring software, mentoring software, etc.

Career Management

Use this solution to track employees’ skills and experience to develop and retain top talent. Help your employees set career goals, track progress towards those goals and create development plans to help them achieve those goals. Organizations that use this type of talent management software often want to support their strategic succession planning and management.

Give employees access to complete tasks that best match their skills and career goals. Reduce training and recruiting cost by evaluating both internal and external candidates on defined attributes and career development preferences.

Compensation Management

Track employee salaries and benefits, create and manage compensation plans, and generate reports on compensation data. Use this type of talent management solution to make decisions about employee bonuses and recommend salary increases.

Employee Engagement

HR professionals and managers use this talent management software to gather feedback from employees on their job satisfaction, employee sentiment, engagement and overall employee experience. Keep a pulse on your workforce with pulse surveys, for example. You can also monitor and promote employee achievements.

Performance Management

Deploy a performance management solution as part of your talent management tech stack so that you can set performance goals for your employees, track their progress towards those goals and conduct regular performance evaluations (e.g., 360-degree feedback). Performance management software helps organizations establish a performance standard across their teams and make sure that all employees are held to that standard.


Offboarding is an important part of talent management strategy because of the impact it can have on future talent acquisition and employer brand. Using your talent management software to carry out a streamlined and efficient offboarding process can help you to transition employees out of the company as smoothly as possible. Conduct exit interviews and ensure they return all company issued property.

Ready to get started ?

PeopleSpheres is the best HR solution to manage your people. We help you develop a solid and flexible connecting platform for HR to sustain your business.

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