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Optima HR

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Why get Optima HR through PeopleSpheres?

✓ A single point of contact for all our partners (implementation, account manager, support center, etc.)
✓  Only 1 contract for your entire HR ecosystem
✓  One global invoice
✓ A single interface to access with a single username and password
 Guaranteed integration maintenance
✓ Price is identical to that which is offered directly from the partner; no additional cost

If you already have a contract with Optima HR, you can purchase our “Optima HR <> PeopleSpheres” connector and integrate Optima HR to your other tools through PeopleSpheres.


Optima HR is an innovative solution dedicated to workforce management and salary mass simulation. Your data is processed by our analysis engine to provide you with immediate access to all the indicators necessary for workforce and salary mass management, as well as market benchmarks. Every month, a comprehensive report is sent to the managers at different levels of the company to keep them informed about changes in workforce, salary mass, absences, and budget. The tool then allows for further analysis by exploring data from a bank of indicators and simple, intuitive reporting capabilities. With our solution, you go beyond report generation: you can simulate the impacts of hirings/leavings, salary increases, bonuses, promotions, and reorganizations. The analysis allows combining these different components, adapting them to populations, and ultimately comparing strategies.


Main features of Optima HR software

  • Compatible with all payroll systems, SaaS Plug & Play solution
  • Automatic analysis of data and synthesis distributed to BU managers
  • Indicator library constantly enriched by our experts
  • All your data available to easily create your reports
  • Salary comparison with benchmarks and external data
  • Simulation of hirings, departures, increases by population, bonuses, promotions, reorganizations, minimum wage, etc.
  • Recommendation of realistic assumptions to ensure the reliability of simulations and indicators such as level effect, “noria” effect, GVT (general value transfer) effect, etc.
  • Comparison of different simulation
  • Monthly budget tracking and analysis of variances


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What you get by using Optima HR through PeopleSpheres

Compensation is a central topic in HR policy and a strong expectation of employees. Therefore, the HR function must be able to master this information both when defining increase budgets, preparing for NAO (Negotiation Annuelle Obligatoire), measuring the impacts of a reorganization, and monthly budget monitoring.


Visualize your indicators

Modern ergonomics allow you to consult all indicators for workforce, absences, and salary mass management. You can freely choose indicators and graphical visualizations from our library. All indicators can be exported to your office tools such as PowerPoint or Excel.


Explore your data

Our analysis engine allows you to build, without any technical knowledge, reports and graphs based on more than 250 data points and over 70 graphs. In addition to these custom reports, you have the option to analyze the situation of each employee, obtain KPIs and absenteeism alerts, and compare their remuneration with internal and external benchmarks available in the solution.


Build robust simulations

The algorithms embedded in our solution ensure the quality and reliability of simulations. Each simulation can be customized based on populations and your assumptions. The collaborative mode allows different managers to propose their assumptions, which will be automatically centralized and consolidated. The solution will guide users in building their simulation to enhance coherence. Different strategies can be compared to each other or to a reference model. The solution will highlight the impact of different components of the simulation.


Monitor the budget

Every month, payroll results are automatically retrieved and compared to projections to identify variances. The analysis allows for an end-of-year projection based on the current situation supplemented by forecasts for the upcoming period. This analysis of leeway allows building the best action plan according to the situation of each entity.


Immediate availability of the solution

The SaaS solution is compatible with all payroll solutions in France. From the start, users have access to eLearning modules to understand the functioning of the solution and benefit from all its advantages immediately.

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Optima HR is a French company founded by HR and technology experts whose goal is to make workforce and salary mass management simple and easily accessible. Our development is based on values of expertise and customer orientation that drive our teams and are reflected in the solution. Each functionality is designed to make the experience simple for both the HR function and operational teams.