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oHRis (Leave & Absence)

Leave & Absence
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Why get oHRis (Leave & Absence) through PeopleSpheres ?

✓  A single point of contact for all our partners (implementation, account manager, support center, etc.)
✓  Only 1 contract for your entire HR ecosystem
✓  One global invoice
✓ A single interface to access with a single username and password
 Guaranteed integration maintenance
✓ Price is identical to that which is offered directly from the partner; no additional cost

If you already have a contract with oHRis, you can purchase our “oHRis <> PeopleSpheres” connector and integrate oHRis to your other tools through PeopleSpheres.


oHRis has over 15 years of experience in the field of leave and absence management software. The solution is aimed at companies with more than ten employees, up to large international enterprises that employ thousands of people, allowing them to eliminate any constraints related to managing their absences!

oHRis Leave Management offers considerable time savings at all levels of your company during requests, leave approvals, administrative tracking of absences by HR teams, and during payroll integration. oHRis Leave Management removes any uncertainty around taking leave and increases accessibility for all users by making deposit rules automatic.

Choose through PeopleSpheres the payroll software most easily coupled with oHRis Leave Management and multiply the productivity of your human resources.


Main features of oHRis (Leave & Absence) software

  • A circuit to approve requests in a few clicks
  • Consideration of different work cycles and schedules
  • A fast calculation engine for leave entitlements
  • Instant transfer of absences to the payroll module
  • Regular and automatic updating of absences in your tools
  • Calculation and export of your meal vouchers
  • Construction of a forecast schedule of absences
  • Validation and reminders of requests via email
  • Management of remote work and telecommuting
  • Consideration of closures and leave donations
  • A SaaS application available on all browsers


Free Trial


What you get by using oHRis Leave Management through PeopleSpheres

oHRis Leave Management offers any organization a live, but also forecast view of present, absent, and remote-working employees. Each manager thus has greater visibility and control over their teams.


Connect to the payroll solution you want

oHRis Leave Management is compatible with over 30 payroll software solutions on the market. You can therefore alleviate your HR team’s days of tedious and repetitive tasks related to manual input of absences. oHRis Leave Management also allows for the integration of paid leave, seniority days, and time-off in lieu, so that the data displayed in the management module is equivalent to that available on pay slips. Double entry of information is a real scourge and wastes precious time for your teams every day. However, it is not only in payroll modules or within HR teams that this problem occurs. Save time for all your employees thanks to the PeopleSpheres platform, which centralizes the data from all your software in one place.


Facilitate the implementation of telecommuting

The oHRis Leave Management solution includes a unique workflow, specially designed for telecommuting management. It offers managers the ability to easily manage occasional requests, as well as regular requests. Through the tool, you can set deposit and ceiling rules for the entire legal entity or for all users. Each employee then has the possibility to declare their telecommuting days according to the established rules. They can also indicate the location from which they will telecommute (their home, a second residence, or a coworking space). oHRis Leave Management also verifies the compliance of the telecommuting location chosen by the employee.


Take control of a tool developed for user well-being

oHRis’s approach in designing its leave management solution is to keep the interface as easy and intuitive as possible for employees. Because messy and slow leave management jeopardizes the engagement of all teams in an organization, oHRis Leave Management allows everyone to access their leave and time-off balances in real time and make their requests autonomously, from any device. The task is also made easier for managers, who can approve their teams’ requests in seconds. Finally, to avoid unnecessarily wasting employees’ time, oHRis Leave Management integrates configurable alerts and rules that inform managers of each service’s availability.


Store your documents securely in France

oHRis Leave Management relies on secure infrastructures that are ISO 27001 certified. You can access your solution through an address dedicated to your company in HTTPS. oHRis Leave Management digitizes the archiving of your documents and absence justifications and backs up all your data in mainland France. Daily backups and updates including several new free features are also available via oHRis Leave Management.

Increase the security of your data even further and easily transfer it to digital safes by choosing data protection tailored to your needs through PeopleSpheres.

Free Trial



oHRis aims to simplify the daily tasks of all employees, managers, and HR teams who are responsible for managing leave, working hours, payroll distribution, and all other administrative tasks related to personnel management.

The company has already begun deploying its services on a large scale and has already impacted over 160,000 users in 20 different countries. To handle the 30,000 daily connections and meet market demands, oHRis’ teams, composed of only 20 employees, work tirelessly and are currently experiencing year-on-year growth of 15%.

oHRis not only designs modern and intuitive HR solutions but also seeks to adapt to all organizations, even the most complex, while keeping interfaces simple for new users to grasp.


oHRis allows you to compose your HRIS à la carte according to your needs and your budget, among the 7 available modules. Our partnership with PeopleSpheres facilitates the experience of your employees so that your tools and our modules are found on a single platform. A single point of entry for your tools will lead to higher adoption rates among your employees and save you considerable time.