R.A.S Intérim x PeopleSpheres

Providing an innovative solution to optimize team productivity

About R.A.S Intérim

R.A.S Intérim is a French company specializing in recruitment and temporary staffing, with over 1,000 employees spread across more than 170 agencies throughout France. Committed to a professional integration approach, the company strives to offer short- and long-term assignments that meet market demands and highlight individual skills. At R.A.S Intérim, the primary goal is to create bridges between talent and companies, fostering a dynamic and inclusive professional future.

1000 + employees
170 + agencies in France
Multi-sector expertise
Before and after PeopleSpheres

R.A.S Intérim's needs

Image Vitamine T Peoplespheres

Challenges to overcome

The main challenge was to digitalize various processes while ensuring that data from head quarters is communicated effectively with the agencies across France.

  • Centralize the data into a single repository coming from seven different software systems.
  • Save time by eliminating manual data entry in various tools.
  • Place users at the heart of the solution, allowing them to perform monitoring, exports, etc.
  • Manage the entire employee journey across the different agencies.
Image Vitamine T Peoplespheres

Solutions implemented

  • Creation of a unified HR platform by interconnecting all existing systems.
  • Implementation of a comprehensive onboarding process to eliminate double entry of HR data and reduce errors related to manual data input.
  • Deployment of talent management tools to simplify HR tasks.
  • Streamline and fully digitalize the employee journey.

Actionable and measurable results

Simplification of daily tasks and integration into company culture through adapted, unified, and interconnected tools for employees.

Time savings to focus on higher value-added tasks.

⚡Management of location-specific requirements for 170+ agencies across France.

⚡Global oversight for the head office enabled by consolidated and centralized KPIs.

Automation of HR processes including onboarding, offboarding, interview alerts, and online training.

RAS intérim PeopleSpheres

Our 350+ clients trust us

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Become a client in 4 steps

Contact information

Provide your contact information and one of our sales representatives will contact you within 1 business day to discuss your expectations.

Understanding your needs

A follow-up call is scheduled with an expert to discuss your needs in-depth so we can present a tailor-made solution during the demonstration.

Product demo

A demo is scheduled with a dedicated Solution Consultant who will conduct a customized demo based on your needs and requirements.

Sign contract

What happens after you sign? Find out how we pamper our customers.

Need more information?

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