eDoc (Electronic Signature)
Why get eDoc (Electronic Signature) through PeopleSpheres ?
✓ A single point of contact for all our partners (implementation, account manager, support center, etc.)
✓ Only 1 contract for your entire HR ecosystem
✓ One global invoice
✓ A single interface to access with a single username and password
✓ Guaranteed integration maintenance
✓ Price is identical to that which is offered directly from the partner; no additional cost
If you already have a contract with eDoc, you can purchase our “eDoc <> PeopleSpheres” connector and integrate eDoc to your other tools through PeopleSpheres.
The eDoc solution allows you to sign all your digital documents while guaranteeing the authenticity of the sender and the integrity of the content of the message received.
eDoc is a true digital hub that accompanies you everywhere and throughout your life. Our development teams are constantly innovating the technologies that make up our digitalization solutions to meet the needs of each client.
PeopleSpheres offers the possibility of integrating the eDoc solution into its HR platform. eDoc is a service that allows you to classify, archive and perform secure document sharing with third parties.