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Nowadays, it is becoming increasingly necessary to have a digital assistant. This remarkable tool helps to optimize business processes and thus achieve an increase in your profits. This tool is becoming more popular as there is an increase in virtual assistants and we see this more often such as with Alexa, Cortana, Siri and any customized technology. Millennials and GenZs are used to more innovative technologies such as voice-recognition to do voice commands which provides results immediately, automated bots, smartphones, smart home devices, and any other AI based technology. Therefore, there has to be a language understanding from management and employees to create advancements in the flow of conversation. 

Anyone with a digital assistant can get a lot of work done through automation of data-entry. It can help you make your job much easier by carrying out several administrative tasks for you. You will just have to make the request, and the digital assistant obeys. You can aim to develop a larger client portfolio and achieve better financial results for your business by streamlining admin work and focusing on your strategic assistant based initiatives instead.

With the help of a digital assistant, a streamlined approach and employee support in an HRIS is possible. Today’s professionals will have the right tools to help them when questions arise so that they can quickly find the answer where you can obtain lead-generation answers.

Our life has become easier now that we can count on powerful tools in our workspace. This is one of the main goals of a digital assistant. Are you familiar with it? Haven’t experienced it yet? You’ve come to the right place, as we’re going to learn all about the intelligent personal assistant.

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What is a Digital Assistant?

It is the most helpful software service for you to have in your digital workplace. Its main function is to automate and simplify your HRIS processes, identify problems and provide an appropriate solution for each of them.

Through artificial intelligence, your HR workflows are guaranteed to improve. You will be able to reduce service times and assist employees faster and more efficiently. In addition, it is important to highlight the fact these digital assistant programs use AI for machine learning, so they can provide a personalized, conversational experience. The digital assistant will evolve and grow accustomed to your tasks and commands, based on your previous actions and the ways in which you work with your HR software.

The effort most companies invested into running their human resources systems in the past was significant. Today, you can make less effort and do more by getting-started with a software and create your own platform of all your HR applications to communicate with your employees more efficiently. We have now the best, most advanced versions of technology, and the tools that leverage digital assistant capabilities which allow us to do errands more quickly and easily.

Also, hiring a virtual assistant for your HR department can significantly enhance your organization. This move will not only streamline processes and boost efficiency but also liberate precious time for your HR team to concentrate on strategic tasks and initiatives.

Digital Assistant VS. Chatbot: are They the Same?

No. It is true that most people confuse them because of their similarities, but they are really two separate things: the personal assistant is an advanced computer program that simulates a human conversation with its users, whilst a chatbot is only a feature integrated into a digital assistant that deals with basic tasks of communication.

Main Differences:

Interaction via audio or text.

Even the most difficult questions can be answered by the chatbot when asked direct questions. On the other hand, is important to note that the digital assistant will work alongside you in an HRIS in a more general way by guiding you through different processes such as in an employee self-service portal.

It is all predetermined. Broadly, the chatbot will give you answers, but predetermined ones. The digital assistant, with an intuitive, almost “human” capacity, will be assisting almost like a human person would.

Conversation. Yes, it is possible to engage in a natural language conversation with both the chatbot and this virtual assistant. The chatbot is not going to process the conversations and learn from them, the assistant does, which means it learns from the information both you and your employees give it. This is achieved through machine deep learning, which involves computers being trained with data using an audio annotation tool, without necessarily being programmed to do so, a real AI assistant.

A few years ago, most people thought that it was not going to happen with digital assistants. People thought machine capacities as advanced as these would remain in science fiction movies, but reality has proven otherwise. Undoubtedly, the development of technology has allowed the implementation of chatbots and digital assistants quickly, and they are already involved in use-cases.

Digital Assistant: How is it Implemented in HRIS and Business?

Digital Assistant Software 

We are all familiar with artificial intelligence and digital assistants; we use them daily to perform small tasks such as booking a trip, asking our devices to play music, converse with clients, answer questions etc. Nowadays, digital assistants are being progressively implemented into every household, and it is widely used in different electronic devices as a facilitator for multiple kinds of tasks to deal with common nuance. They allow us to invest our time and focus on innovative and original strategies rather than wasting our time in repetitive, tedious tasks that could be easily performed by a technical virtual assistant.

However, are we completely aware of the many benefits a digital assistant can provide through automating everything in our to-do-list?  

  • They can use previous information provided to them and produce original and personalized solutions for many tasks. They will work as your second brain, where a lot more information can be stored.
  • Furthermore, they can also help your business grow and perform better by carrying out the job of an HR representative, communicating with and employees, and helping them solve the issues, doubts, or commands they have in the most efficient way.
  • Regarding HR services, it can help the HR executives and leaders focus on more complex tasks rather than being in constant communication and easy problem-solving tasks with the employees. Digital assistants bring all the HR services, processes, and policies to the employees, without the need for human intervention but rather a virtual agent. It can help answer questions that employees might have,  and have all the information accessible through all smart devices as if you had a personal smart assistant. 

Digital assistants use artificial intelligence efficiently in order to provide the best services both to clients and employees. They can use chatbots in order to do so. From routine help desk to more complex service requests, they manage to work as efficiently as a human worker, without the need for phone call chatting and back-and-forth emails. 

What are the Benefits of Having a Digital Assistant for Your Business?

As we discussed before, digital assistants provide quite a lot of benefits to their users, both for recreational and professional purposes. But now that we know what they can do for your HRIS, let’s discuss the benefits it would bring to implement a digital assistant in your business: 

  1. Economic benefits: With only one inversion in the right digital assistant, your business can perform the work of many human workers, so you can perform many tasks without the time and expense of live representatives.
  2. Quick and efficient problem-solving: Digital assistants will be equipped both with the knowledge and access only a well-trained live worker would, in less than half the time. As AI progresses, it helps the machines that use it to learn more quickly and cover more information in shorter time spans, so they will self-train themselves into finding the solution to its users’ problems.
  3. Make it big: Digital assistants can provide their services to millions of people at the same time. Therefore, it can automatically promote an expansion of your business by reaching outstanding quantities of customers and/or employees. Therefore, it will answer to people in different countries which can be beneficial if you are dealing with becoming international or your business is already international. 
  4. Consistency: One of the most advantageous parts of having a digital assistant in your business is that having a well-trained assistant will guarantee no mistakes in its procedures.
  5. Human service with machine efficiency: Users will receive automatic, immediate, responses to their inquiries. Digital assistants can identify tenses, follow conversational contexts and automate engagement in order to answer to their users in the most human and natural way, with the efficiency only electronic devices could have. 

Meet Lougo: PeopleSpheres’s Friendly HR Chatbot

At PeopleSphere’s, we developed a chatbot, personal digital assistant, that is integrated into our HR platform, and that you will surely use as often as your favorite assistant.

Lougo can provide you with virtual assistant services by:

  • Aggregating and answering questions about all your connected HR software so that your employees can enjoy a seamless experience. In other words, all your employees’ questions can be answered from a single chatbot on the HR platform as they will be always listening to your concerns providing you with assistant services. 
  • Providing on-screen guidance for employees and users of your HR platform in order to provide support and help employees through HR processes such as requesting time-off or changing personal information.
  • Ensuring that all your communication skills and actions are with the appropriate security and privacy protocols. Also, that all responses to requests are consistent with all your integrations of new tools .

This little companion serves several purposes: from making your HR workflows run more efficiently, to making your HRIS work smarter with personalization with a high recognition software. All of this is possible by taking advantage of your own personal digital assistants to build your connectivity around the company. In short, it makes it quick and easy to connect all your data; it immediately solves your employees’ information needs, and it assists as your own administrative support.

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